DREAM3D-NX Python Docs (v24.08.10)


The simplnx library can be installed through an Anaconda packages from the BlueQuartzSoftware channel. This can be achieved by creating a new virtual environment and installing the dream3dnx python package. Please check the latest release notes for the latest changes to the API.

DREAM3D-NX is built on top of a library called simplnx which is why all of the python code is prefixed as such.

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict
conda create -n nxpython python=3.12
conda activate nxpython
conda install -c bluequartzsoftware dream3dnx


MacOS: Intel MacOS does not support Python 3.12 due to a library conflict between Qt 6 and the other libraries.

How to use SIMPLNX from Python


All users should start with the SIMPLNX Python Introduction


Users wanting to integrate the functionality included with SIMPLNX/DREAM3D-NX from within Python, you should use the link to SIMPLNX User API Docs


Users wanting to extend DREAM3D-NX by writing filters in the python language should go to the Writing a Python Filter

Indices and tables